Earth-Now app good for
I doubt a great many people will read this at NASA or at all but I just wanted to put it out there that you guys are doing a good job! Its really cool that youre trying to popularize space exploration and spark interest in science, especially in this time. I hope you get the funding you need to get us out there. Love, a fellow hopeful.
Wow!!! Really neat app with amazing information to learn about. Thank you for making and sharing!!
This app is really user friendly and has a lot of great climate products. Can you put some ice sheet data on it?
1 there should be a section that just tells information about the satellites like height and launch date.
2 maybe the ISS should b shown
3 I think this app is great but hard to follow at sometimes
User friendly, although Im. It sure most of us would find a daily use for this app. Saying that, I spent twenty minutes just scrolling through the screens and selecting the individual satellites. Beautiful and deceptively entertaining. I think I am enjoying it more than I should, but the graphics are mesmerizing!
This application is very nice and would be perfect if we could switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius when the "Air Temperature" is selected.
Some bad moments
Should be called earth yesterday not earth now since there is no live view. Garbage app.
I downloaded this out of curiosity. Now Ive seen it Ill get rid of it because it doesnt actually bring me any information that I need.
Its one of those, "Oh really? Thats interesting." then zap to something else apps.
Temperatures are only available in Fahrenheit, which is only of use/interest to Americans. The rest of the world use Celsius, not this app.
I write this review hoping that one of the guys or girls responsible read this. This app is just pathetic. As an app developer and a rocket scientist graduate Im more than interested in an app like Earth Now. Instead of a solid framework for future datasets and maybe even data import functionalities I get an unstable, buggy, unfinished and total inconsistent and usability-wise catastrophic application. Honestly you have to decide what you want. Either an application for the general public (the for heavens sake make it work and easier to use - whats with these ridiculous buttons which do different things at different times? Oh you know one I mean!) or one for educational purposes i.e. students. Then please include possibilities worth being an app and not just a fancy 3D visualisation of 7 datasets calling it "animated". If you reading this are the guy who hired your developer (I doubt this was done by a team) please PLEASE either kick his butt to do his job right or hire someone else. Ever rocket science student with a few months of iOS development experience can get you better results. How about a professional, youve got money, for Marss sake! If you reading this are the actual developer: great job!
You realize NASA is In America, right? Kinda makes sense to me that the app would show temps in farenheight- Im just sayin
Please release an update. On my iPhone 4 it keeps saying loading model, or it will crash if I restart the app.
This works fine on 4s. It has a lot of options showing the state of our home, more acutely, what pollution has done. It is put out by NASA so I would like to think it is up to date. If not, then my 5 stars has become meaningless. Otherwise it is great, would be nice if you could zoom. Thank you