Doesnt have a methane concentration layer. Pretty big omission.
Doesnt have a methane concentration layer. Pretty big omission.
Saw this mentioned by Senator Whitehouse when he schooled another Senator Climate Change Denier who thought a snowball was evidence that global (climate change) "warming" was a hoax. Delightful image of the Earth. Still exploring all the details. The fact that this is from the Jet Propulsion Labs is reason enough to download. The fact that its Bree is icing on the cake!
Use on the floor of the senate to show evidence of climate change, Earth Now just won a Webby for best mobile app in reference and education.
this app keeps crashing on my ipad first gen.
My friend showed me this after talking to some scientist about this kind of stuff. Its not really for everyday life for a common person, but its still really cool to have.
Not only is your username process irritating but yet now I have this orb of the earth with scratch marks through it spinning around that I cannot go back from
Great job NASA.
This app is fun, informative, and free. It belongs on everyones iOS devices
What the heck is this? U have a globe that looks like a wild animal scratched the heck out of it...and all these buttons that make no sense what so ever. And what are these lines rotating around the screen. Whats the point????
Id say this is right up there with the app that lets you track visible constellations based on your location. Not especially useful every day, but definitely fun to play with. The app is pretty self-explanatory (not sure why someone was confused in their review about the satellites orbiting the planet...), and pretty cool to show off. Even more impressive when you consider the data is petty much real-time.
No way to select info. No menu. Just a globe...
I LOVE this app. It has literally all the data you need to find out about Earth. I recommend it to anyone who likes space/science.
Very cool, great visualization of data and awesome to get to see those 3-D images of satellites never seen anything like it.